June 15, 2006

'Scuse me, could you please move your foot? You're stepping on my...

Disclaimer: I am no fan of Joy Behar (of ABC's The View). But I have a writing deadline today, I usually have TV on for background noise, and morning news has devolved into late-morning drivel. This is how the ladies interruptus came to be on my boob tube.

A minute ago, I looked up long enough to hear Behar say:

"Know what I say? If you've got it, flaunt it. Or trip over it."

Ooh, a new guest: Paris Hilton. Unless the show has a segment telling me what she does, exactly, I'm tripping over to the TV to turn it off now. But I'm laughing.

1 comment:

Lisa Ryan said...

Paris who? LOL

Grrrrrls weekend at camp July 21-23. You're invited! I'll give you all the details. Can you get away for a day or two with out the kids?